Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer Screening

Are you at Risk for Oral cancer? Virtually everyone is.
Increased Risk:
>  Patients age 18-39 without
    lifestyle factors*.
>  Sexually active (HPV 16/18)
High Risk:
> Patients age 40 and older  
   without lifestyle risk factors
> Tobacco users (any age, 
    any type)
Highest Risk:
> Patients age 40 and older with
   lifestyle risk factors (tobacco
   use/alcohol consumption)
> Patients with history of 
   Oral Cancer
* lifestyle risk factors are defined as tobacco use, chronic alcohol use of at least two ounces of alcohol three times per week and HPV.

News you can't ignore:

Three Canadians die every day from Oral Cancer?

The Canadian Cancer Society estimates a 9.7% increase in new cases of oral cancer and a 4.7% increase in deaths associated with oral cancer since 2007.

        And if you think you aren't at risk for oral cancer, think again: 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don't smoke and have no other lifestyle risk factors. Virtually everyone is at risk for oral cancer, including you.

If you are sexually active, here's another reason to think about oral cancer.

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an extremely common sexually transmitted infection and is especially prevalent in young adults.

        Few people even know they have it. HPV has long been known to cause cervical cancer and now studies suggest it also plays a role in more than 20% of oral cancer cases.

        Cancer screening technologies have been saving lives for years. Early detection tools such as mammograms, Pap smear and PSA tests have greatly reduced death rates for breast, cervical and prostate cancers. The key to reducing the devastating impact of oral cancer is early detection. Early detection technologies save lives!

What happens if we find a suspicious spot?
What to Expect:
The OralCDx® Brush Test™ is a painless method of testing “everyday” tiny oral spots. A small brush is used to quickly collect a sample for computer-assisted laboratory analysis.
If a spot is found by OralCDx® to contain unhealthy cells (known as dysplasia), it typically takes years before those cells can penetrate the basement membrane and cause any harm. During this time, the spot can typically be removed, long before oral cancer can start.
        In summary, early detection is key and with today’s techonology, it has never been easier! So call Dr. Hambly today to set up your exam!
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